AMA School of Medicine is one of the Leading Medical colleges in the Philippines. It is located in Makati City in Manila which is the financial center of the Philippines; Makati city has the highest concentration of multinational and local corporations in the country. Major banks, corporations, department stores as well as foreign embassies are based in Makati. Makati is also known for being a major cultural and entertainment hub in Metro Manila. AMA School of Medicine, Makati Campus– 2.4 km from Indian Embassy in Makati & 7 km from Ninoy Aquino International Airport – Manila.

Other campuses of AMA School of Medicine is located in CAVITE, one of the most industrialized and fast growing province in Philippines. AMA School of Medicine, Cavite Campus– 28 km from Indian Embassy in Makati & 40 km from Ninoy Aquino International Airport – Manila.

AMA School of Medicine is part of the AMA Education System. Dr. Amable R. Aguiluz V is the founder of the Group. He has been an Ambassador of the Philippines to the Gulf Countries. He named the college after the initials of his father’s name, Amable Mendoza Aguiluz V, Sr.

Degree is recognized by

California Board of Medicine, CFGNS, USA, Govt. of India – MCI, UK, Singapore, Canada, Australia, Gulf Countries, etc. CHED – Govt. of Philippines

Medical Graduates are eligible to apply for

  • ECFMG certification and USMLE examinations for working in the USA.

  • Canadian & Australia Medical Council licensing and State registration exams.

  • UK PLAB & Ireland registration exams.

  • Screening Test conducted by National Board of Examinations India for Registration with MCI.

Degree Offered: MD (Equivalent to MBBS in India)

  • USA / American pattern of Education is followed.

  • Affiliated to 3 Hospitals in Manila (Quirino, AFP & Pasay General Hospital).

  • Affiliated to Armed Forces Medical Centre, BEST for training in Philippines.

  • Good Patient flow – good for clinical training.

  • It offers 1 yr BS + 4 yrs MD degree = MBBS in India.

  • WHO Listed & MCI approved as per MCI Act.

  • Reasonable Fees.

  • Over 1,000+ hospital beds

  • Hostel (apartments) & Indian catering / mess available

  • 100% English Medium

  • Excellent Teachers – Most of them are educated in USA.

  • Rotating Internship / Clerkship in USA possible.

  • American pattern of Education is followed.

  • Over 20,000 foreign students are enrolled in Philippines.

Fees Structure AMA School of Medicine, Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines

2 Year BS + 4 Years MD Course after 10+2 (Intermediate)
Particulars Ist Year (BS) IInd Year (BS) Ist Year MD IInd Year MD IIIrd Year MD IVth Year MD Total Fee
Tuition Fee (Philippine Pesos) 300000 200000 250000 250000 150000 100000 1250000


  • Admission is subject to Final approval of students Application by the University & Availability of Seat

  • Student Visa Conversion from 9A to 9F visa in Manila, Airport pick up; Medical Quarantine; Assistance 700$

  • Tourist Visa Extension Prior to filling for Conversion in Philippines in USD (One Time) if required 300$

  • Special Study Permit (If student is under 18 Years of age) = 300$

  • Apartment/Flat in Manila ranges from 3500-5000 pesos as per month depends on the choice of student

  • Food approximately costs 5500 pesos per student per month depends on food habits of the student

  • Electric charges & Water charges are to be paid as actual depends on the use by each student

  • Currency rate is used for calculations & student has to pay as per the rate on the date of conversion.

  • Rates for air tickets shall be paid as per rate on the date of actual booking or travel by the student.